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What are the main factors that lead to the Fall of the British Empire?

Enlist the external and internal factors that caused the decline of the British Empire.

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09:09, 26 March 2012

Robert Derbyshire

One reason (at least in India) was a separation of the cultures, driven by policy in Britain. It was common for the British posted in India to wear Indian clothes, eat Indian food, and marry Indian women around the start of British rule. Towards the end, however, prostitutes from England were being shipped in. This is just one of many examples of the cultures, which had come close, starting to separate. I'm this was a mark of deeper issues - e.g. fear, on the part of policy makers in London, or perhaps a sense of failure of the whole empire "experiment". Interesting question, I will research more and get back to you!

05:59, 12 May 2011

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